30 Jan Scoop from the Coop – Week of Jan 30
- Even with excessive efforts, students seem to not want to attend the class that they are required to attend. Please help remind your students that they should remain in the classroom that they are assigned. We have had a couple events over the last few months that require student accountability.
- We now have dedicated times for students to report to the library with Chromebook issues. The times are from 8:00-8:30, 11:39-12:10. Of course emergencies can be taken care of on an as needed basis. If your student has a chromebook issue, please have them report to the library at that time.
- We will have a Pep Rally for Senior Night on Friday.
- We will be beginning After School Credit Recovery on January 31. We have enough time for three terms of five weeks each. Seniors will get the first seats. Counseling will provide students that qualify with information as well as an application with contract.
- Elementary tournaments begin at CCHS this week.
- Our Chronic Absenteeism rates for the first 100 days of school have been released. 34.08% of our students have missed more than 10% of the school year. It is going to take a group effort to reduce this number. Chronic Absenteeism is one of our accountability measures that is on the gradecard for Cocke County High School
- We have a great way to provide a one-stop shop for information. CCHS now has a new app. Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and download the CCHS app.
As we get further into the school year, we would like to remind you of the importance of good attendance for all students. Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. Too many absences not only can affect achievement for the absent student but also can disrupt learning for the entire class.
Research shows that students who consistently miss school are at risk of lower academic achievement, failure and even dropping out of school altogether.
Bringing awareness to the issue of chronic absenteeism, and providing information and resources to parents can help improve student attendance and, consequently, student achievement. We saw during the pandemic how important it is for all students to be learning in-person from their teachers and alongside their classmates.
This Week at a Glance:
- Monday– Regular Bell Schedule
- Tuesday– Regular Bell Schedule
- Wednesday- Regular Bell Schedule
- Thursday-Regular Bell Schedule
- Friday– Activity Bell Schedule
Important Events This Week
- January 30-Elementary Tournament begins at CCHS
- February 3-Basketball Senior Night
Future Important Dates
- February 10-Dollywood Job Fair 2:00-4:00
- February 15-CCHS Open House
- February 20-No School
- February 28-8th Grade Visitation
Sports Calendar
- Basketball @Jefferson County (JVG, JVB, VG, VB-4:00, 5:15, 6:30, 8:00)
- Freshman Basketball vs. Jefferson County, HOME, 7:00
- Basketball @ Hancock County (JVG, JVB, VG, VB-4:00, 5:15, 6:30, 8:00)
- Basketball vs. Claiborne, HOME-Senior Night (JVG, JVB, VG, VB-4:00, 5:15, 6:30, 8:00)
- Freshman Basketball @ Knox. Catholic, 12:00
Old but Relevant Information
- Please remind your Seniors that there will not be a “crunch week” right before graduation this year.
- Graduation date and time has officially been set. It will be Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 11:00 AM.
- Food City Bucks-It is still a thing. Food city shoppers can link the school of their choice via the FC app. This is an easy way for us to receive money.
- Please continue to encourage your students to go through the cafeteria line.