07 Mar Scoop from the Coop-Week of March 6
Dollywood Job Fair will be rescheduled…again. I will let everyone know when a new date is set.
Senior Honors pictures that were scheduled for Friday, March 3 will not take place Monday,
March 6.
Tuesday will be ACT Day for Juniors. 9 th , 10 th , and 12 th graders will not be on campus.
This Week at a Glance:
Monday- Regular Bell Schedule
Tuesday- ACT DAY-Juniors only on campus
Wednesday- Regular Bell Schedule
Thursday-Regular Bell Schedule
Friday- Homeroom Bell Schedule-2 nd Friday Clubs
Important Events This Week
March 6-Senior Honors Pictures
March 7-In School ACT (Juniors Only at School)
March 9-Spring Sports Pictures
March 9-College Planning Night for Juniors
Future Important Dates
March 17-Jazz Band Concert, St. Patrick’s Dance
March 17-Spring Sports Pep Rally
March 24-Jostens visit
March 24-Early Spring Choral Concert
March 29-Talent Show
March 31-Red & Black Game (Powder-Puff @ halftime)
April 3-7 (Spring Break)
Scoop from the Coop March 6-11
Sports Calendar
Baseball Scrimmage @ Pigeon Forge, 5:00
Boys Soccer jamboree @ Scott County
Old but Relevant Information
Please remind your Seniors that there will not be a “crunch week” right before graduation this
Graduation date and time has officially been set. It will be Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 11:00 AM.
Food City Bucks-It is still a thing. Food city shoppers can link the school of their choice via the FC
app. This is an easy way for us to receive money. I encourage you to do this and to also
encourage the families of your students to do the same. Schools must be re-linked each year.
In the app go to MY ACCOUNT, and then to MY SCHOOL BUCKS, choose the school you want to
ling receipts to.
Please continue to encourage your students to go through the cafeteria line.
We now have dedicated times for students to report to the library with Chromebook issues. The
times are from 8:00-8:30, 11:39-12:10. Of course emergencies can be taken care of on an as
needed basis. Hopefully, this will create order out of the chaos that are Chromebooks.
After school Credit Recovery is continuing. If you know of a student that could benefit, please
let their counselor know.
Please remind your students that drive that they MUST have a CCHS hangtag to park on campus
and that the lower parking lot is for DE Students ONLY.