Monday – Friday
7:30 – 3:30
The library is available for student use from 7:30 – 8:15 and 3:15 – 3:30 each day.
The CCHS Media Center Staff can help with Tennessee State Standards:
All departments and subjects welcome! Don’t hesitate to contact us because we really do want to help you and your students!
Cocke County Schools have access to computers, networks, and the Internet. This technology is the most effective way we have found for introducing students to the global nature of information. It allows users to find, synthesize, and share information in a variety of unique ways.
The Internet has come about because groups of individuals have chosen to network their computers in order to share information. A small minority have made objectionable materials available over the Internet. Cocke County Schools take every precaution to restrict access to this information. However, an industrious user may discover it. We firmly believe that the valuable information and interaction available on the Internet far outweigh the possibility that users may obtain unsuitable material. Disciplinary action will be taken against users found sending or acquiring objectionable material over the Internet.
Please remember the following :
Acceptable Use Policy – Student
Acceptable Use Policy – Employee/Staff