Central Office

The Cocke County Schools Central Office Building is located at 305 Hedrick Drive, Newport, TN, 37821. It is located across the street from Cocke County High School.

Our administrative building houses multiple departments that manage activities for the school district. Those include attendance, curriculum & instruction, federal programs, finance, food service, human resources, special education, technology, and administrative operations of the Director of Schools and his leadership staff. In addition, transportation, maintenance, and student support services departments are in nearby facilities.

Department Directory

Director of Schools
Manney Moore
[email protected]
(423) 623-7821 x2010

Assistant Director of Schools
Casey Kelley
[email protected]
(423) 623-7821 x2016

Administrative Assistant
Melanie Eslinger
[email protected]
(423) 623-7821 x2010

Central Office Staff Directory

Last NameFirst NameTitleEmail Address
MooreManneyDirector of Schools (extension 2010)[email protected]
KelleyCaseyAssistant Director/Complaints (extension 2016)[email protected]
WaitsAmandaCurriculum and Instructional Supervisor (extension 2021)[email protected]
BargerAprilFood Service (extension 2023)[email protected]
BarrPatriciaEducational Technology Specialist (Extension 2203)[email protected]
BibleTonyaHR/Benefits (extension 2028)[email protected]
BurchetteGailSave the Children (extension 2032)[email protected]
BriggsAdamTechology Technician (extension 2043)[email protected]
ByrumCarolInstructional Coach (Extension 2204)[email protected]
ClevengerSherylAttendance Administrative Assistant
(extension 2030)
[email protected]
DouglasBryanSupervisor of Student Support Services[email protected]
EllisonPatriciaDiagnostician (extension 2036)[email protected]
ErvinMichaelTechnology Technician (extension 2037)[email protected]
EslingerMelanieAdministrative Assistant (extension 2010)[email protected]
DarnellDavidMaintenance Supervisor (623-7802)[email protected]
EdmondsChristyCoordinated School Health Director (623-1528)[email protected]
EllisonEricCTE Director[email protected]
GroomsDeanieTech Dept. (extension 2050)[email protected]
GunterSonjaPayroll Clerk (Extension 2051)[email protected]
HoltKathySpecial Programs(extension 2017)[email protected]
IngleLoriFinance Director (extension 2014)[email protected]
JamesRhondaField Manager(extension 2022)[email protected]
JonesVictoriaFinance Payroll Coordinator (Extension 2021)[email protected]
KelleyLisaFood Service Director (extension 2040)[email protected]
KerleyJasonSafety Supervisor (extension 2038)[email protected]
MarshallTiffanyRead to be Ready Coach (Extension 2204)[email protected]
McCarterRonaldSpecial Education Supervisor/Homebound Coordinator (extension 2041)[email protected]
NortonChrisTransportation Supervisor (623-2757)[email protected]
O'NeilPatrickAttendance Supervisor (Extension 2015)[email protected]
OverholtKristyTitle 1 Coordinator/Parent Involvement (Extension 2018)[email protected]
PonderCarlaHealth Services/School Nurse (Extension 2202)[email protected]
PruittSheliaAdmin. Asst. Part-time (Extension 2205)[email protected]
SchoolcraftCindyPayroll Clerk (extension 2035)[email protected]
SiskMelissaMaintenance Administrative Assistant (623-7802)[email protected]
SmithTeresaHealth Services/School Nurse (Extension 2022)[email protected]
SprouseAmySpecial Education Administrative Assistant (extension 2024)[email protected]
StuartYvonneRTI Coach (Extension 2205)[email protected]
SuggsTinaE- Coach(Extension 2203) [email protected]
TaylorAnitaRecords Clerk/Star Student (extension 2029)[email protected]
TurnerDebraBookkeeper (extension 2013)[email protected]
VassarVickieAdministrative Assistant (extension 2031)[email protected]
WebbJakeTechnology Supervisor (extension 2034)[email protected]