23 Jul Safe School Environment
The Cocke County School System has established new safety protocols to provide safe school environments as we begin the 2020-2021 school year. This includes training to custodial staff as well as teachers related to maintaining clean and sanitized campuses.
To provide a safe school environment, the Cocke County School System commits to the following safety protocols and procedures:
- Increased cleaning/disinfection of all school buildings is a priority, especially in high touch and high traffic areas.
- Staff & students will be expected to maintain a clean/sanitized classroom.
- There will be increased social distancing where feasible in classrooms, hallways, and buses.
- Staff & students will be screened daily before they enter the school building.
- Face coverings/masks for staff & students are strongly recommended in school buildings and on school buses.
- Parents/guardians may provide a mask that your child is comfortable wearing. Masks will be provided by Cocke County Schools if needed by staff or students.
- Frequent hand washing and access to hand sanitizer will be available for all classrooms.
- There will be a reduction in class interactions in the hallways, group gatherings, and movement throughout our school buildings.
- Water fountains will not be used. Students will be able to bring their own water bottle to refill at the Water Stations located in the school.
- Access to schools will be limited to essential personnel & students. If extenuating circumstances require a parent/guardian to enter the school, approval must be given by the school principal.
- Any visitors approved by the school principal will be required to wear a mask, have their temperature checked, and answer health screening questions.
Please note that safety protocols are subject to change as we continue to monitor local health conditions.