11 Sep Schedule Update: Cocke County Schools
September 11, 2020
School Schedule Update
September 14-18 students will attend on the Hybrid A-B schedule with Friday the 18th being a remote day.
September 21-25 all Traditional Students will attend Monday through Thursday with Friday the 25th being a remote day
September 28-October 2 all Traditional Students will attend Monday through Thursday with Friday Oct 2nd being a remote day
October 5-9 is all remote
October 12 all Traditional students will resume a regular 5 day a week schedule
** This schedule is subject to change pending classroom, school, and district data and conditions that are monitored on a daily basis.
Covid 19 Face Covering Requirement
The Cocke County Board of Education on September 10, 2020 initiated a face covering requirement for all students, faculty, and staff while in person on any Board of Education Property. This Face Covering Requirement will be added to Cocke County Board Policy under Dress Code. This shall be in effect beginning September 21, 2020.