23 Jul The First Week of School at a Glance
August 3 – 7
The Cocke County School System will begin the 2020-2021 school year with a staggered start for students who will be enrolled in the Traditional Learning option in our school buildings. The staggered beginning to the school year provides staff and students with the opportunity to get accustomed to the new safety protocols we have established in a smaller group setting.
Individual schools will be contacting the families of their students to communicate which day their child or children will attend school in person the first week. They will also communicate the plan for remote learning for students on the days they will not be in school the first week.
Please note that students will only attend school in-person on either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday during the week of August 3rd. There will be no school for students on Thursday or Friday due to Election Day and a Teacher In-Service Day.
Monday, August 3rd
Only 1/3 of the 1st – 8th grade students will attend from each school.
All 9th grade students will attend school.
Tuesday, August 4th
The second 1/3 of the 1st – 8th grade students will attend from each school.
All 10th grade students will attend school.
Wednesday, August 5th
The final 1/3 of the 1st – 8th grade students will attend from each school.
All 11th and 12th grade students will attend school.
Thursday, August 6th
All schools are closed due to Election Day.
Friday, August 7th
Staff In-Service Day – No school for students.