On January 13, 2022, thirty-eight staff from Cocke County Schools participated in a 1-day professional development training on Restorative Practices. The training was conducted by Janet Watkins, Project Coordinator, TN AWARE with the TN Department of Education Division of Student and Family Supports. Restorative Practices is...

Cocke County Schools Resource Center Director Diana Samples has seen the best and worst of circumstances in her three years with the system. With Cocke County Schools students facing various stressors at home, Samples’ office has seen increased use in the last couple of years....

The ABC (Alphabet, Books, and Creativity) Learning bus is a mobile unit designed to provide an alternative learning space for children and students in Cocke County. Repurposing of the bus was made possible through a partnership between the Cocke County School System, Cocke County Cradle...

FREE VOLUNTARY COVID-19 TESTING As part of Cocke County School System's ELC Grant, voluntary Covid-19 testing is available to all district faculty, staff, and student's age 12 and up at the parent's request with expressed written permission. Tests are available at each school and are administered...

Family Engagement Newsletter https://cockecountyschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Elementary-Parents.pdf https://cockecountyschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Middle-School-Parents.pdf https://cockecountyschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Spanish-elem-nov21.pdf https://cockecountyschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Spanish-middle-Nov21.pdf...

Would you like to make a difference in a child's life? Must be caring and committed with time to share. Children who have disabilities are often in need of special education services. Some of these children have no parents and need a concerned volunteer who is willing to...

Cocke County Health Services Announcement The Cocke County School System will offer voluntary Covid-19 testing for staff and students 12 years old and older in the near future. Once testing starts, tests will be performed by a school nurse.   To:  Parents You will be receiving a permission...

Feeling safe is important. After meeting basic needs for survival like food, water, and sleep, feeling safe and secure is necessary before anyone can focus on relationships, learning or other opportunities for personal success. A lot of kids and teens haven't been able to feel safe...

Cocke County Schools’ Fall graduation has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 28. The program will begin at 6pm in the CCHS auditorium. Graduates should arrive at the CCHS cafeteria by 5:15pm in order to be fitted for their caps and gowns....

ESSER 3.0 public Input Requested The Cocke County School System is seeking public input concerning grant funds that were received through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.   The district has received grant funds administered through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. Through this grant process the district has...