22 Feb Cocke County Schools Celebrate National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Monday, February 22 is National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day and Cocke County Schools are recognizing the efforts of their 57-member Transportation Department on that date. The Transportation Team includes bus drivers, vehicle maintenance staff members, and those who manage the administrative functions within the department.
Cocke County Schools have 46 buses that travel approximately 32,000 miles per month throughout the county to get students to school and return them home each school day. Those 32,000 monthly miles represent almost 6 trips from New York to Los Angeles and back each month. These miles are driven in multiple weather scenarios and on roads that are often a challenge for large vehicles.
The Cocke County Schools Transportation Department is responsible for transporting approximately 3,500 students to school on a regular school day. This is a large percentage of our total student population, so our bus drivers and the staff who support them, have a huge role in the education of our students.
The school district wants to thank these dedicated employees for their efforts to start early and stay late to make sure our students get to school and back home safely each school day.