
The Pandemic Electronic Benefit Program (P-EBT) is continuing through the Summer months through the Tennessee Department of Human Services. Here are a couple of announcements concerning funding for the Spring 2021 and Summer 2021 time periods: If your child’s school operated on a hybrid schedule...

ESSER 3.0 public Input Requested The Cocke County School System is seeking public input concerning grant funds that were received through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.   The district has received grant funds administered through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. Through this grant process the district has...

This is first come first serve. Please remain in your vehicle and be mindful of COVID-19 health and safety practices. See attached flyer.  ...

This is first come first serve. Please remain in your vehicle and be mindful of COVID-19 health and safety practices. See attached flyer. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Farmers to Families Flyer schedule May 7 2021 Final"]...

Cocke County Coordinated School Health, TN Voices, and The East TN Council on Children is pleased to present a free showing of the movie Paper Tigers.  See attached flyer.        ...