Tentative Return Schedule for CCHS
Please review the following TENTATIVE return schedule: ...
Please review the following TENTATIVE return schedule: ...
Please review the following TENTATIVE return schedule: Wednesday, January 6th - Group A Students Thursday, January 7th - Group B Students Friday, January 8th - Remote Friday (many schools are distributing devices this day) Monday, January 11th and Tuesday, January 12th - Group A Students Wednesday, January 13th and Thursday,...
Edgemont Elementary will transition to remote learning through December 11th. Edgemont will return to in person learning on December 14th....
The Cocke County Elementary Schools Basketball Association and the Cocke County Recreation Department will postpone all practice and play until January 2021. A detailed plan will be released in the near future on how and when practice and play will resume. ...
Based on a large number of exclusions from attendance due to contact tracing, Centerview Elementary will transition to remote learning the remainder of this week, November 4th, 5th, and 6th....
The Tennessee Department of Human Services is working with school districts to give eligible families who missed the August 14th deadline another chance to receive food assistance through the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program. Under the P-EBT program, families of children who receive free or reduced meals...
October 1, 2020 Remote Students Only Please click link to take survey below (only fill it out one time): https://forms.gle/TZ6rgi4MnKvxcU7e9 IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Covid 19 Face Covering Requirement The Cocke County Board of Education on September 10, 2020 initiated a face covering requirement for all students, faculty, and staff while in...
Please be aware that on September 22, 2020, seniors at both Cocke County and Cosby High school will be taking the ACT test and will be the only students on campus that day. Students in grades 9-11 will be remote on September 22, 2020. Thank you...
September 11, 2020 School Schedule Update September 14-18 students will attend on the Hybrid A-B schedule with Friday the 18th being a remote day. September 21-25 all Traditional Students will attend Monday through Thursday with Friday the 25th being a remote day September 28-October 2 all Traditional Students will...