15 Apr Two Schools Recently Awarded As Reward Schools
Congratulations to two schools in the Cocke County School district who have been recently awarded as Reward Schools.
Centerview Elementary and Smoky Mountain Elementary are both Reward Schools for the state!
Schools serving K-8 students are evaluated on four indicators, including achievement on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) assessments, TCAP assessment growth over time, rates at which students are Chronically Out of School, and performance on the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA). High schools, in addition to these four indicators, are also evaluated on Graduation Rate and Ready Graduate Rate, or the rate at which students graduate while also having achieved milestones associated with college and career readiness.
Schools are recognized as a Reward school when they demonstrate high levels of performance and/or improvement in performance by meeting their annual measurable objectives across performance indicators and student groups. Schools that earn an overall rating of 3.1 or higher and are not identified as Priority, TSI, or ATSI schools are recognized as Reward schools. Schools receiving this designation typically demonstrate high levels of performance and/or growth across all indicators. See below for a list of Reward Schools for 2022-23.
Congratulations to both schools!