Mental Health Statistics

Mental Health Statistics

  • 17% young people between the ages of 6 and 17 experience a mental health disorder.
  • Only 51% of youth age 6 to 17 with a mental health condition will get treatment.
  • 70% of young people in the juvenile justice system have at least one mental health condition.
  • 50% of students 14 years old and older with a mental illness drop out of high school.
  • 50% of all chronic mental illness begins by the age of 14.
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people ages 15-24.
  • 90% of those who die by suicide had an underlying mental illness.

Statistics provided by National Alliance on Mental Illness website at

Thoughts about suicide…
Suicide is NOT the answer!

Suicide thoughts are a symptom, just like any other. They CAN BE TREATED, and they can improve over time.

If you start thinking about suicide, seek help immediately. Go see your school counselor, tell a trusted and supportive friend, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or text TN to 741741.

It’s okay to talk about suicide.