
Cocke County Schools’ Fall graduation has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 28. The program will begin at 6pm in the CCHS auditorium. Graduates should arrive at the CCHS cafeteria by 5:15pm in order to be fitted for their caps and gowns....

ESSER 3.0 public Input Requested The Cocke County School System is seeking public input concerning grant funds that were received through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.   The district has received grant funds administered through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. Through this grant process the district has...

The Cocke County Board of Education will hold its annual Fall Graduation ceremony honoring graduates of the Cocke County Gateway Programs. We hope that you will attend! To celebrate our graduates’ accomplishments, we are having a graduation ceremony anticipated to be held on Tuesday, August 31,...

Parents and guardians deserve clear information about their child’s education and progress. To meet this need, we are excited to share a useful tool from the Tennessee Department of Education—the TCAP Family Portal. The TCAP Family Portal is available for families of students who participated...

The Cocke County School District continues to work with state and local agencies, including our local health department and school board, to draft and implement guidelines for students to return to school this fall. Although the district cannot guarantee an environment that is entirely free...